Venus factor

Benefits Of The Venus Factor, Venus is a unique approach to weight loss for women, which is based on diet and fitness. Diet's potential to reshape a woman's body is one of the main reasons for the growing popularity of. Given the differences between the body of men and women, especially with regard to the metabolism of Venus, solution designed specifically for the female body. It is not uncommon for a woman, especially after the birth of overweight, lose, and then make him fight. This is where comes Venus factor. One of its main components is leptin, a hormone that is responsible for controlling your metabolism, body weight and appetite. 

women who are overweight usually have leptin resistance. Although they can get leptin twice more for men, women's bodies may be less responsive to leptin signals to burn fat. Therefore, women who are overweight have a greater opportunity to take more calories than necessary, because the brain does not receive enough food intake signals. Even worse is that the leptin resistance increase after pregnancy, when you need to lose weight. venus factor presents a number of advantages. Can forget about food cravings, plateaus, and faster metabolism and fat loss in areas like the hips, arms, thighs and abdomen. With metabolic rate and further, get more energy and fast weight down.


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