Venus Program factors: overview

Venus Program factors:
Therefore you can find easily the size of your waist. You must specify the size of your waist rather than the hips measurement You multiply 1.42. To determine the measurements of your shoulder, you will need to measure your waist 1.618 multiplied. Get the numbers that you will be able to figure out the next step.

If Your Venus index is higher than normal, you should lose weight; However, if the index is low, you need to plan, weight gain. Or you want to lose or gain weight, accompanied venus factor program, you eat and exercise to reach your goals. What is recorded in the program To lead the way on how you Venus index, the program also has the following: body-centric meals, guides and guide planning and membership in the society. Food body centered guide shows You the foods you should eat to reach your ideal weight and shape you. The guide shows you the different types of herbs, vitamins, and foods you should eat to increase the levels of leptin in the body. Leptin is a hormone that helps to increase metabolism; Therefore, if leptin levels are high, a high metabolic rate, allowing you to quickly lose weight. On the other hand if leptin levels are low, too low thus lowering metabolic rate as much weight as you can. One involves the Venus factor training manual and planning exercise routine during the 12 weeks that come in 3 different stages. The good side is that every routine with plans to follow to ensure that you make a complete with videos, photos and detailed explanations of the. Venus exercise aimed at regulatory factors of body fat and muscle sculpting and toning. Community membership access to the community of women who participate in the program. Members that are very useful to women, which is like home.


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