The seven habits of highly effective real estate investors

Sometimes it seems the treasure hunt quests in your bookshelf. My 1989 Stephen Covey habit seven humans who take highly effective from my shelf, I believe I have some long lost gold. What is flipping through the yellowed pages, in a long-forgottengolden soaked some nuggets that contain books, and I think the seven habits ofhighly effective real estate investors. I believe that there are no habits of successful real estate investors are very special. In other words-anyone would be very effective real estate investors if they want to be.This is of course my opinion, and without scientific study. But here is what I think, that makes seven habits: Habits: do you know your goal "If you do not change direction, you can at the end of where you are. post "-Lao Tzu Most real estate investors I know made himself with purpose. Someone I know was started with the sale of his house to two lots next to each other and bought a unit 8Villa complex. He has turned hundreds of homes in Toronto every year this project at a company that sells and builds. Some simple goals, but to lead a great things. 

Othermajor goals and simple short long-term goals should be broken down. Their purpose may not be great (though I love my five years with target start and make smaller goals for each year to me on my five-year target to help). But I think, if you don't know what you want to achieve then your first step will be difficult todetermine. And you can't just say I want to be rich. Goals by definition I should as far as possible measurable and specific period of time. Two practices: make your money when you buy "The price is what you pay. It's worth what you get. "-Warren Buffett This is very risky, as the market value of the property with the hope to pay, which isrent, which would go up field to repair or improve property values. This is the entirearticle itself, but basically you're going to buy a desired property below market value,in areas with great potential for growth in the future. Really, it is no different to begin with the end in mind. 


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